Tea Shop Murals

In 2020 Tilly’s Tea and Gift Shop in Metheringham, Lincolnshire, England, moved to a larger shop, where upon I created the main mural in the tea room in the front of the shop, based on the Tillys logo, as a branded mural. This was a gentle inspirational backdrop that coordinated with the colours of Tillys logo that became a giant flower. This mural no longer exists due to new owner.

I also created a mural based on Lincolnshire for the toilet /changing room as the original owner had clothes and was a changing room as well.

The new owner request a selfie wall in the Gallery area (gallery of my work is no longer there) I created an angel wings mural for selfie snapshots for your day at Tillys. This was for an all in encompassing experience of art for locals as a local artist, creating a inspiration with seasonal displays for the soul with many affordable prices for locals with original artwork by myself.